What a great weekend we had June 12 -14! We hosted the first in a series of intensive urban farmer “market” trainings for new and beginning growers. In a combination of classroom-type presentations and discussions and on-the-farm real activities, 38 excited participants learned the basics of growing food, sustainable urban style.
We kicked the weekend off with a “meet and greet” party – so attendees and presenters could mingle and chat before the class began. We had great snacks and drinks from local farms, prepared by Chef Tracy Koi.
The 2-day course ran all of Saturday and Sunday, and included topics such as: what kind of farm to choose (why and how), legal matters, land access, pest and disease identification and natural management, in-ground and raised bed growing, hydroponics and aquaponics and so much more!
We kept everyone well hydrated and fed too – with tons of good fresh food.
Thanks to a generous New and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development grant from the USDA- NIFA we are able to provide this training completely free – including all materials!
Next up is the intermediate class August 1- 2, then advanced in August. Get more information or to register for those classes here. The series will repeat September – November.
All participants will also be part of our mentorship program – being paired with a local experienced grower, and offered that opportunity for an internship on a working farm.